Photo context & History (ongoing)


Camera Obscura: latin for "dark chamber"
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Exposure Triangle: 
Aperture: opening in the camera (through the lens)
Shutterspeed: a mechanism that opens and closes to let the light in
ISO: the sensitivity of the film/image sensor
Resultado de imagem para EXPOSURE TRIANGLE
Focal Length: The distance between the center of lens or curved mirror and its focus

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Resultado de imagem para iso rangeResultado de imagem para iso range 

Foreground: part of the photograph that is the nearest to the viewer
Middle Ground: Between the two extrems
Background: Area that is the farthest from the viewer


Joseph Nicephore Niepce: Took the first photograph with the exposure time of 8 hours in 1827-1828. The picture was taken in France.
Joseph Nicephore Niepce First Photograph

Louis Daguerre: first picture of a person in 1838. Photo "Boulevard du Temple", Paris, FranceResultado de imagem

Resultado de imagem para Louis Daguerre

Robert Cornelius: Amateur Chemist and photography enthusiast. Took the first self portrait picture in Philadelpgia, 1839

Mathew Brady: Civil war photographer from 1860's. One of the first events where the public saw casualties of war printed in newspapers.

Resultado de imagem para mathew bradyResultado de imagem para mathew brady

Eadweard Muybridge: 1830-1904, England
Zoopraxiscope and specialist in capturing motion

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Resultado de imagem para eadweard muybridge

Julia Margaret Cameron: 1815-1879
first important women photograper
Known for soft focus and "painterly" quality for her images
Accepted by painters more than photographers

Resultado de imagem para julia margaret cameronResultado de imagem para julia margaret cameron


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